Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The most flavorful farofa anyone has ever had, guaranteed. there is entirely too much stuff in this powder. garlic, salt, garlic salt, garlic powder, green onion, white onions, parsley, parsley flakes, and other spices from unlabelled spice containers in unknown amounts. this is how you eat this powder: grab a huge bowl of rice, lick your chopsticks, and dip lightly in magic powder. consume huge bowl of rice with chopstick residue. get more rice. repeat until full, saving room for something comparatively lighter such as a full steak dinner.

food and negativity

lemongrass green rice-

i'd say that it looks less boring in real life but it doesn't really; extremely uniform light green-yellow throughout with strips of fibrous, surprisingly inedible lemongrass of the same exact color. tastes pretty good though!